
What is a legal hackathon?

In legal, hackathons are a relatively new concept. Their main purpose is typically the promotion of innovation using design-thinking and tech. They are typically done in a competition format, although that is not necessary to rip the benefits of the process.

A well-run hackathon involves a team of people with a cross-functional set of skills (for example tech, IT, law, project-management, Agile, LeanSixSigma, coding) getting together to solve a pre-determined challenge.

The team gets together for a determined set of hours/days to collaborate and work together to solve a legal challenge. Many great ideas and connections have surfaced from hackathons. To modernize the practice of law and improve legal processes, we need more collaboration and a hackathon is a great way to foster collaboration and team work.

. To modernize the practice of law and improve legal processes, we need more collaboration and a hackathon is a great way to foster collaboration and teamwork.strategic-plan. To modernize the practice of law and improve legal processes, we need more collaboration and a hackathon is a great way to foster collaboration and teamwork. hackathon at your law firm or organization. Breeding innovation from within, addressing your challenges and using your human intellectual capital is not only smart, but those ideas will gain more traction and support. This is a great way to optimize the buy-in from both users and stakeholders, and gain champions.

Reach out to us to set one up: