
AI E-mail Management Solution

Lourdes Fuentes Slater, CEO of Karta Legal LLC spoke at an Expert Webcast virtual Roundtable where the experts discussed a practical solution for lawyers to increase their productivity while WFH. This same solution gives the organization the means to comply with its data obligations and remain profitable by accounting for time worked that typically falls through the cracks and remains unaccounted/unbilled.

Specifically, we discussed ZERØ, an AI email management solution that automates manual steps in email filing and billing. This tool increases efficiencies in an otherwise inefficient process, and reduces various types of DOWNTIME (waste), to increase value-one of the key pillars of Lean.

This tool also addresses another - less talked about- Lean pillar, respect for your employees and their time and efforts. Looking into all of your processes and considering better solutions to the WFH challenge, shows respect for your shareholders, your employees, and your clients. If you want to learn more, please contact us at