Outside Counsel Management

Don't let outside counsel costs spiral out of control. Our outside counsel management services will help you find the best lawyers and law firms for your needs, while also improving quality. We use a range of techniques, including permanent and temporary staffing services, outsourcing with contract lawyers, procurement and RFPs, to ensure you get the best possible value.

Modernizing Requests for Proposals

If you're looking to optimize your RFP process, we can help. Our team has the expertise to help you draft innovative and technology-conscious RFPs that will help you find the best legal partners for your organization. We understand that the RFP process can be complex and time-consuming, and we are here to help you streamline your process and achieve your goals.

Our approach is to work closely with your legal department to understand your unique needs and objectives for your RFPs. We will help you identify the key criteria and requirements for your RFPs, as well as develop a process for evaluating proposals and selecting the best legal partners.

Our team stays up-to-date with the latest technology and trends in RFP drafting and modernization, so you can be confident that your RFPs are modern, efficient, and effective.In addition to our RFP drafting services, we also offer RFP optimization services to help you improve your existing RFP process. We will work with you to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to optimize your process. We can help you find ways to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and achieve better results from your RFP process.If you're looking to optimize your RFP process, let us help.

Oversight, auditing and budgeting

Accurate forecasting and budgeting is critical for any organization, but it can be especially challenging for legal departments. According to a 2018 survey by the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC), 42% of legal departments cited budget constraints as a major challenge, and only 13% reported that they are able to accurately predict their legal spend.

We understand the importance of accurate litigation budgeting and forecasting, and we have the expertise to help. Our team can train your legal team to create litigation budgets, handle the invoice review and approval process, and provide direct oversight, auditing, and budgeting services, as needed.

We use the latest technology and best practices to optimize your budgeting process and minimize waste. And we work closely with your legal team to ensure that your budgeting process is customized to meet your unique needs and goals. With our help, you can be confident that your organization's legal budgeting is accurate, efficient, and effective.In addition to our budgeting services, we also provide ongoing oversight and auditing to ensure that your legal spend stays within budget and that you are getting the best value from your legal partners.

Our team has a proven track record of success, with clients reporting an average reduction of 20% in their legal spend after working with us. Don't let budget constraints hold your legal department back.

Law firm panel convergence

Many organizations have large counsel panels consisting of dozens, if not hundreds, of law firms. However, research shows that consolidating those panels through a process called panel convergence can result in significant benefits. According to a 2019 survey by the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC), organizations that use convergence strategies reported an average cost savings of 13%, while also enjoying increased efficiencies and better quality of work.

We can help you strategize and implement panel convergence to help your organization achieve those same benefits. Our team has the expertise to assess your current panel and identify opportunities for consolidation. We work closely with your legal department to understand your unique needs and goals, and we help you evaluate potential law firm partners to identify the best options for your organization.

We also provide ongoing management and oversight of your consolidated panel to ensure that you continue to realize the benefits of panel convergence. This includes regular performance assessments of your law firm partners to ensure they are meeting your expectations and delivering value.

Don't let a bloated counsel panel drain your resources and hinder your legal operations. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve cost savings, efficiencies, and improved quality of work through panel convergence.

Agile Legal Project Management services or training

Agile project management is a game-changer for legal departments looking to optimize processes, decrease costs, increase efficiencies, and improve quality. By combining project management methodologies with an agile approach tailored after the Agile Manifesto, legal teams can adapt to change quickly, communicate effectively, and produce working results faster than ever before.

We are experts in Agile project management and we can help your legal department transform from traditional to Agile. Our team offers e-Learning modules or on-site training on Agile and other legal project management methods, tools, and techniques. We work with your legal team to understand your unique needs and goals, and we tailor our training to meet those needs. With our help, your legal team will learn how to optimize project management processes, decrease costs, increase efficiencies, and improve quality. Our training will empower your team to adapt to change quickly and effectively, and to communicate more effectively with stakeholders. As a result, you'll see faster results, increased productivity, and improved client satisfaction.

Don't let your legal department fall behind the competition. Contact us today to learn more about how Agile project management can transform your legal department and help you achieve your goals.